Monday, 26 April 2010

Flick Book Arrives!

Finally today my flick book has come through the post. The first one got lost so I was starting to panic a bit. I did not know what to expect but `I was really happy with it and it is very good quality.

This is a video of how it looks like, poor quality but it gives you the idea!

Monday, 19 April 2010


I have started to create some of Diptych portfolio pieces and they are look quite good.

Here are some examples:

I am liking the way they are set out and I think that this format really works and the pictures fit well together and a lot more interesting.
I am going to carry on creating these until i got around about 12 or 13 images all together for my portfolio box.

Thursday, 15 April 2010


These flower images are some of the images I captured to put into my stop motion time piece. This is just a brief collection to show a small version of what the sequence starts off with and end, also the composition and also the colours used within it.

Research Richard Maplethorpe really helped and showed me different ways that I could capture the flower in different compositions.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Flower Sequence

These are some images of the process of my flower sequence in flash to show the settings I have been using etc

Its taken me quite a while to start getting the sequence together due to the difficulty with the sofware but as you can see I am starting to get there!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Blists Hill Visit 3

My third visit to the museum was a lot easier due to knowing what I was achieving with my portfolio, the Diptych style. So I went with a clear shot list of what abstract and what full pictures I needed to match up with the ones that I had already. it was a lot easier to get shots that were useful to me as I know what my goal and outcome is.

Here are some more that I took:

My next step is to start going through all the photographs that I have taken which is about 300 in all, and matching them with the best possible match so that they flow through the whole picture.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

These are my final hands that are going to be put in a grid. I have chosen these 12 as it is a good range of ages from 18 months all the way to 85 years.
Also they are the most interesting ones with clothing on their wrists, jewelry or reminiscence of their jobs on their hands and habits.
Each image will be in an a2 flame and bled to the edges so as I do not wish to have a mount in the frames, as I feel this will not make the grid as good.