Tuesday 16 February 2010

Blists Hill

I went on my first visit to Blists Hill Victorian Village today. Here are some photographs which I took:

I took 614 in all as the more photographs to choose from the better. I am most likely going to need to make another visit to the museum to get more of a range.

Friday 12 February 2010

Rotten Fruit

I decided to do a tester shoot for my rotting fruit project. I just did a basic composition to see how quickly it would rot and how the colours worked together etc.

As you can see, the photographs did not turn out very well at all. I did not like the composition, lighting, the position of the fruit, or anything about the pictures really. But it was good as a starting point and a tester but i do not think I want to do rotting fruit anymore so I am going to go away and have a think about what else I can do. I have always liked the idea of having a flower blooming then dying at the end which I could have a go with.

Monday 8 February 2010


Through research I have found out that Victorians actually standarised time as it was in this era in Britain that the first use of steam trains came into play. The whole country was out of sync with each other with time so they needed to make sure that they synced everything together with timetables to make sure the service worked.

"When people began traveling by train, sometimes hundreds of miles in a day, the calculation of time became a serious problem. Operators of the new railroad lines realized that a new time plan was needed in order to offer a uniform train schedule for departures and arrivals.
Since every city was using a different time standard, there were over 300 local sun times to choose from. The railroad managers tried to address the problem by establishing 100 railroad time zones, but this was only a partial solution to the problem."

However it took a while for the service to actually work due to all of the time zones needing to change with caused a lot of confusion for the public.

"The fact remained that the different railroad lines were using time schedules that varied from each other and from the cities they passed through, causing considerable befuddlement. Where railroad lines using different time zones intersected with each other, or with cities using different time standards, travelers were especially confused.
During the mid-nineteenth century, people throughout the world had experimented with methods of standardizing their clocks. In 1830 the U.S. Naval Observatory was created to cooperate with Great Britain's Greenwich Observatory to determine time based on astronomical observations. Accurate sea navigation based on the calculation of latitude and longitude, depended on accurate timekeeping."

Website: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/nov18.html

4th project still not finalised!

I am still debating what to do for my fourth project, It is proving to be quite difficult to find something thats different. I have had one more potential idea which i think could fit quite nicely into my theme which is a period of time. In Ironbridge there is an old Victorian museum which is still being run as an old Victorian street with people dressed in that time periods clothing too. I thought that this could be quite interesting with maybe doing portraits and just generally documenting a day within this village.

They have old sweet shops, doctors, houses etc so i could cover a lot of different aspects of that time period. I will also think it will give me a different type of dimension to my project so that its not so monotonous.

Website: http://www.ironbridge.org.uk/our_attractions/blists_hill_victorian_town/

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Flip Book

I have recently found a company in Birmingham to be able to make my Flip Book for only £8.99 with it properly bound. It includes 40 photographs in all which is a perfect amount. I am in the process of making my own prototype to make sure I have included in the right photos to make sure it flows, is in the right order and makes sense.

This is going to be my book outcome and also converging with design.

Website: http://www.silentflicks.co.uk/