Thursday 26 November 2009

Flick Book History

- Flick books started in the end 19th century and early 20th century
- compared to the Magic Book or Blow book which gave the impression of illusion
- " The flip book looks like a small notebook – originally stapled, mostly bound today- that you hold in one hand while you flip over the pages with the thumb of the other hand, either from front to back or from back to front. Pictures (See animation ) or drawings give the illusion of motion, slower or faster depending on the speed."
- Can be from as little to over 100 pages but normally only 30 pages long
- Mostly used by children
- Used a lot by Disney
- 1880's, the use of different separate pictures came to light to create a series of events grow
- 1886 an Englishman Arthur Melville registered a patent named " The Living Picture Book"
- 3 rd April 1897, two Englishmen, John O'Neill and Robert McNally patented flip books now realised with photographs:

"He figures may illustrate a prize fight, a cock fight, a wrestling match, a skirt dance, skipping, a drinking bout, or the like, the subjects in this respect being practically unlimited. The respective movements of the figures are represented or imitated to a nicety by the rapid slipping of the leaves through the fingers, which has the effect of producing an optical illusion as perfect as it is amusing and interesting"

- Spread at the end of 19th century especially named living pictures or living book
- 7 th May to 21 st August 2005 took place in Düsseldorf Kunsthalle the first major exhibition devoted to flip books called “Daumenkino.

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